Mobile Application Testing Checklist

The primary purpose of security testing is to detect and assess potential vulnerabilities in a software/web application. Check that the database server can handle the maximum number of user transactions that the business logic allows. The database fields defined in the backend enable the user to enter suitable user inputs as specified in the business requirement specifications. Database testing is essential as testers ensure that users do not enter any junk data, including null values or text with special characters.

Using high-level authentication will reduce the risk of unauthorised access and password guessing attacks. So to ensure the best security using cryptography, you should use the latest How to Improve Mobile Testing Skills APIs. Many popular cryptographies like MD5, MD4, SHA1 are found insecure in rising cybercrimes. Choosing the cryptography tool wisely will lead to enhanced cyber security in your app.

Every app should follow an app security checklist before making it online. Because while the app gets hacked, it not only give personal information to the potential frauds but also provides access to banking information, current location, and more. App security includes the practices to secure mobile apps from malware and hackers by enforcing the best security practices possible. So let us go through the checklist for mobile security to keep your application safe and sound for you and your users. So app security is crucial as the cyber world has plenty of security threats. Likewise, many enterprise applications interchange sensitive information that hackers are constantly in search of.

mobile testing checklist

Limited access to the devices often used in the foreign countries. Mobile Web application, in fact, is the website opened in the gadget with the help of the mobile browser. Making and receiving calls is the main task of the phone, that is why the application should not interfere with this major function.

Mobile Application Testing Checklist

As the app industry is booming, the security of apps has become a concern for users. Though you need to spend some money for beta testing, it could be a good investment in the quality of your mobile app. Verify the ability of the application to process transactions in the event of a power failure (low battery, incorrect application shutdown etc.). Ensure the performance of the application if it works under conditions of a non-permanent connection to the Internet. Verify the response time of the application meets the requirements.

To avoid the cost of buying devices, many companies allow employees to use personal devices for coding and testing. Many malware transfers from one device to another in this manner. You can also execute time of day or location-based login for enhanced app security. You can also encourage the user to change the password within six months or a year. For high-security apps, along with the passwords, we can also use biometric authentication like Touch id, retina scan for more security. The application meets the requirements of the App certification requirements.

mobile testing checklist

Check if you have named all keys and indexes according to the appropriate conventions. Check if you have created the size and length of the required fields. Checks if the datatype of the primary key and that of the corresponding foreign key are of the same type. This test tests if you have created the primary and foreign key constraints.

Secure The Source Code

For example, you can use simulators in the earliest stages of your testing process. But is better to use real devices (physical or cloud-based) in the final stages. Automated testing is preferable for the load and regression testing. But manual mobile testing tools are better to be used for usability and exploratory testing. Lee Barnes, founder and CTO ofUtopia Solutions, noted recently that there are several items that teams should consider as they runmobile app testing processes.

Verify that when application is running and battery is low then proper message is displayed to the user. To ensure their high quality and stable performance, it’s crucial to test them thoroughly before the launch. The provided website test checklist will help you miss nothing, test all the aspects of your product, and ensure that it meets the requirements fully.

And it allows you to do your automated mobile testing at scale in the cloud. Not every user has access to the latest sophisticated web browsers or mobile devices. Therefore one must develop at least the basic functionality of the web application to be backward compatible with legacy platforms.

mobile testing checklist

Checking the execution time of the database when thousands of records are read/written concurrently. You can test if the application crashes with thousands of simultaneous users. Before launching an app, every business owner should make this a top priority, and it should also be applied sooner in the process to save time and money afterward.

The application meets the requirements of theHuman Interface Guidelines. People who have experience with working with similar type apps, better yet, with the previous version of the application are chosen to the role of beta testers. Beta testing is the stage of debugging and checking the beta version of the program. Its main purpose is identifying the maximum number of errors in its work for their subsequent elimination before the final release of the app to the market. Verify the new changes did not lead to the appearance of new bugs. Actually, providing regression testing, you should pass not only test cases with detected bugs, but also test cases checking all functionalities of your app.

Performance Testing

As a result, the product became fully ready for a new release — now it’s appreciated by users and regularly updated with new features. If your app doesn’t provide the proper security then the app growth will be hindered. So create apps with good security modules and test the apps regularly to strengthen app security. It is highly recommended to perform penetration testing at regular intervals to ensure there is no loophole for the hackers to access the data. Mobile applications are designed to provide better and more smooth functionality to the users. The primary source of revenue for many applications is paid subscriptions.

Ensure that the application components are synchronized with the user’s actions. As you can see you should make different decisions creating your strategy for the mobile testing. Native App is the application, which has been developed specifically for one platform . Being iOS-specific, XCUITest is entirely developed and maintained by Apple.

Find any sensitive data which is protected by Biometric lock using the LocaAuthentication framework. To test install and use the app to populate the keychain and then uninstall the app. Each app is also given a unique 36 char Data-UUID which contains all the application data.

mobile testing checklist

Source code is the fundamental component while programming an app. Nowadays, open-source code is widely used by many app developers. A user provides their email id, any personal or financial details because they trust the brand. If they get hacked, loss of brand confidence or trust is inevitable. Gaining trust again is not easy, and sometimes you lose to the competitors because of it.


Also, it should be tested if the data that returns for all the application queries is displayed correctly on the front end with appropriate formatting. When the database server throws errors for any queries, it must be ensured that they are adequately caught with proper error messages at the application level. Please note that sometimes usability testing is followed by the accessibility testing phase. Keep reading to learn how to test an app with a comprehensive mobile app testing checklist to ensure your apps are thoroughly tested and defect free. This checklist will cover various mobile app testing processes and scenarios.

  • This test tests if you have created the primary and foreign key constraints.
  • JD-GUI to read the java source code from the java classes files.
  • Tools, which are good for the desktop apps testing, are not fully suitable for the mobile application testing.
  • Beta testing is the stage of debugging and checking the beta version of the program.

As websites or applications involve sophisticated functionalities and graphic design, you need to have an overall picture of all the building blocks that make up a website. You can test web applications in multiple browsers and operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. Check that the intended users have permission to do just those levels of activities that the application requires. Data types of the form fields must match with the corresponding database form fields in the backend.

A Complete Guide To Mobile App Development

There are many risk factors in both Android app and iOS app development. Take a look at how to manage risks in software development. EasyQA SDK is the set of features, developed by our team, to make software testing process more effective and simpler. You have an ability to use some features of the EasyQA for testing your mobile app. Ensure the data of users of the application are protected from network attacks of automated systems and can not be found by selection.

Introducing The Esi Debugger Api And A New Debugger Ui

Examine user files and prevent their possible harmful effects. Provide session management to protect information from unauthorized users. Protect the application from malicious attacks on clients. Protect the application and the network from DoS Attacks.

This document provides a concise checklist of accessibility requirements for mobile app developers. It is intended to continuously evolve as more patterns arise. Let’s systematize our knowledge, and try to determine the main tips for mobile application testing. Now, let’s consider the main verifications, which should be passed to test mobile application functionality. The mobile application testing in provided on handsets ( Apple, Samsung, Nokia, etc.), while the desktop app is tested on a central processor.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing Checklist

Therefore, we need to pass some additional stages and make some additional verifications. Here you will find the mobile testing tutorial of your app. Mobile testing strategy, the main stages of the mobile testing process, specifies of Android and iOS mobile application testing will be considered in this article. UI testing is essential to ensure that the graphic user interface of your website or web app meets the specifications. During this phase, you should evaluate various design elements visible to users, such as fonts and their sizes, colors, text boxes, icons, buttons, links, and content. UI testing may seem similar to usability testing, and they definitely have a lot in common.

Database testing examines the integrity and consistency of data, schemas, tables, procedures, functions, and triggers of the database under test. Testers perform these tasks by creating sophisticated queries that will enhance how well it adapts to different circumstances. If the users can perform all the actions without any interruptions or hindrance.

These are specific to different areas of the app, including the network, installation, performance, interrupt, and device integration. Then, we carried out a set of regression tests covering the product’s core functionality, and managed to automate and speed up the process from 3-4 days to 2. As a result, the new Evolv’s product was released on time, and now we continue our collaboration with their team. We keep performing automated testing to ensure the proper operation of new features and timely releases of software updates that take place every month. The most important aspect of mobile app security is to ensure the app is risk-free and the personal data provided are safe and sound.

A weak security system will open the doors for hackers to access premium features leading to revenue loss, especially in gaming and OTT applications. Finally, you have the prerelease full functionality version of your mobile app. It would be better to evaluate the possibilities and stability of the program in terms of its future users. Of course, the native speakers are preferred to perform localization testing of the mobile app. Make sure that the application does not give access to sensitive content or functionality without proper authentication.

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